De Staat van Groningen
The Knowledge Platform provides an overview of the existing Northern Netherlands monitoring and research landscape in preparation for De Staat van Groningen.
In response to the parliamentary letter that was published in April 2023, Nij begun, the cabinet intends to present the State of Groningen (SvG) to parliament annually. The idea is to compile existing knowledge and insights about the condition of residents affected by the adverse effects of gas production in the province of Groningen and three municipalities in northern Drenthe. The purpose of the monitoring tool, the State of Groningen, is to provide insight into how recovery from the effects of seismic activity is progressing and to what extent there are “undesirable differences” in welfare compared to other parts of the country.
The starting point for the SvG is to fit well into the existing monitoring and research landscape. Therefore, in preparation for the first SvG, we examined what the existing monitoring and research landscape looks like and what additional research and monitoring is needed for this SvG. Central to this are the six pillars of Nij begun, as elaborated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK): (1) damage recovery, (2) reinforcement, (3) sustainability, (4) welfare and social recovery, (5) economic development and (6) better government. The goal is to provide a good picture around these pillars of ongoing research and what one might program in the future to complete the picture. We reflect on the choices to be made and provide guidance on how to continue setting up the SvG.
The research has several steps. In the first phase (desk research), we made an initial overview of available data sources and indicators based on the studies and monitors known to us. We also consulted relevant policy documents to identify the “demand” for possible indicators. To complete our picture of both supply and demand, we asked relevant agencies, civil society organizations, experts and fellow researchers to respond. In total, we received written responses from 47 experts and 8 teams from 28 different agencies and conducted in-depth interviews with various parties. In the final phase, using this feedback, we created a detailed overview of existing and desired indicators and the monitoring and research landscape. A visualization of this can be downloaded below. We analyzed and described the connection between the outcomes from our desk research, the (written) consultation and the insights from the (scientific) literature. In addition, we reflected on the choices to be made and the continuation of the design of the SvG.
The results of this research are presented in the report De Staat van Groningen: een inventarisatie van het Noord-Nederlandse monitor- en onderzoekslandschap.