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Shell's Political Game. A conversation with journalist Marcel Metze

In May 2023, the long-awaited book by investigative journalist Marcel Metze was published: Hoog spel - De politieke biografie van Shell. Together with a team of researchers, Marcel conducted research into the multinational for a quarter of a century. They dug into the archives and spoke to employees.


Shell has a long history in Groningen. Following the publication of the parliamentary inquiry report Groningers boven gas, Shell indicated that they have not listened enough to the residents of Groningen and that they have important lessons to learn.


On Tuesday 26 September 2023, the Knowledge Platform hosted a meeting with Peter Postma (researcher in diplomacy and business at Leiden University and lecturer at Hanzehogeschool Groningen), during which Peter had a conversation with Marcel Metze about the book and the role of Shell in Groningen. Dr. Huub Ruel (researcher of business diplomacy and ethics at the University of Twente) then reflected on the book and gave a lecture on the role of companies in relation to governments from a moral and ethical perspective. What is needed to conduct business ethically? We closed with questions from the audience.

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