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Knowledge café 'Hurray, we have a vision for the future - what now?'

On Tuesday 11 February, the Knowledge Platform held its third Knowledge Café in Café de Sleutel. The title was: 'Hurray we have a vision for the future - what now?'

In various places, visions of the future have been made together with residents (think of Krewerd, Overschild or Onderdendam longer ago). The National Program Groningen also attaches great importance to participation, see the initiative: Toukomst. The Municipality of Groningen puts democratic renewal into practice, All wonderful developments. In a number of cases, however, it appears to be difficult to bring this collaboration to a logical and good follow-up. During this knowledge café, we talked about that problem.

© 2021 Kennisplatform Leefbaar en Kansrijk Groningen 

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