Knowledge Congress 'Experiment Groningen: Insight and impact'
Curious about the knowledge developments in the gas extraction case? On Thursday October 13 2022, BuildinG and the Knowledge Platform will hold the Knowledge Congress Experiment Groningen: Insight and impact. The goal? Informing, networking and connecting the technical and social aspects of the case. More information about the program of the Knowledge Congress will follow shortly.
Session 1: Social emotional support
Jodi Kremer (Earthquake Coach at WIJ Groningen)
Melanie Postma (Earthquake Coach at WIJ Groningen)
Harrie Bols (Mental Health Counselor Earthquake Area)
Sanne van Neijenhof (Mental Health Counselor Earthquake Area)
Nienke Busscher (Coordinator Knowledge Platform)
In this session, we provided insight into what is offered to residents regarding social emotional support. Mental health counselors Harrie Bols and Sanne van Neijenhof and earthquake coaches Jodi Kremeren and Melanie Postma talked about their work in the gas extraction area and how they can help you as a resident.
Session 2: Participation and ownership
Marije van den Berg (Researcher and Advisor Democratic Quality)
Derwin Schorren (Nieuwe Gronden, Founder Residents Advisory Council NCG)
Babet Kanis (Researcher Gronings Perspectief)
Derwin Schorren (Founder Residents Advisory Council NCG) talked about the NCG's newly established Residents Advisory Council. He explained the purpose of this group, what they will be doing and how they intend to bring about improvements within the reinforcement process. Marije van den Berg (Researcher and consultant democratic quality) reflected on our current democratic system and the importance of - and preconditions for - resident participation.
Session 3: Geopolitics and (political) tensions
Wendelmoet Boersema (Slavist and Journalist, Author Gronings Goud)
Sam Gerrits (Earth Scientist and Journalist, Author De aarde en het Gas)
Tom Postmes (Scientific director Knowledge Platform)
Wendelmoet Boersema (Slavist and journalist) discussed the emergence of geopolitical relations with Russia due to Groningen gas and current geopolitical tensions due to the war in Ukraine. How do these tensions affect the energy market and Groningen? Sam Gerrits (Earth scientist and journalist) explained his book The Earth and the Gas in which he describes how it is that the Groningen field is actually above the law.
Session 4: Making Groningen homes more sustainable
Johan Duut (Director of Warmte Transitiecentrum Groningen)
Hanneke Pot (Educator & Researcher Medical Anthropology and Applied Psychology Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen)
Many residents are forced to reinforce their homes and might be able to make them more sustainable in the process. This is a complex process in which all kinds of choices must be made. It is important to know what the possibilities are and which measures are the most efficient (comfort and cost). In this session, Johan Duut (Director Warmte Transitiecentrum Groningen) and an expert shared the different possibilities and challenges.
Session 5: Safety assessment according to the typology approach
Ilze van Oost (Senior Advisor Typology & Innovation NCG)
Joram Nauta (Senior Project Manager TNO)
National Coordinator Groningen is assessing whether a building meets the safety standard using a simpler method. This method, the Typology Approach, was developed by TNO. In this session, Ilze van Oost (Senior Advisor Typology & Innovation NCG) explained how the approach works and what it is based on.
Session 6: Progress of damage investigation
Jan Rots (Professor of Structural Mechanics Delft University of Technology)
Jelle Pama (Programme LeaderKnowledge Platform BuildinG)
To better understand the course of damages, research is being conducted with laboratory experiments, models and field measurements. For example, how do multiple quakes, or a combination of quakes and subsidence affect mining damage? The research is gradually providing more insight. Recent progress was discussed by Jan Rots (Professor of Structural Mechanics Delft University of Technology).