Overview Critical Reviews
Wim Derksen (chairman during the Critical Reviews) and Mariëlle Gebben (process manager Critical Reviews) wrote a book about the Critical Reviews: Groningen and the earthquakes. How knowledge hardly improves policy. In this they describe how useful the knowledge on which the government bases its policy is and whether the Groningen case is unique in this regard.
The earthquake problem is a mix of complex issues about which there are sometimes considerable differences of opinion between scientists, governments, companies, social authorities and residents. A Critical Review is an innovative way which allows different stakeholders to enter into a dialogue about a specific topic, and thus provide insight into different perspectives and approaches. The objectives are: a clear report of points on which there is consensus and which excludes an explanation of the reasons for differences of opinion and advice for the (near) future.
A Critical Review thus brings parties together and contributes to knowledge about an ongoing issue. As many stakeholders as possible are invited to participate.
Who organizes the Critical Review?
The National Coordinator Groningen (NCG) has commissioned the University of Groningen (RUG) to organize a series of Critical Reviews. The University of Groningen finds it very important that the organization is independent. The University of Groningen has appointed an independent chairperson and organizer for this purpose. The University of Groningen monitors the content and quality of the process and ensures reflection and evaluation afterwards.